Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Frustration !!!!

Why am i not waistlength yet?I have been on my journey for 2-1/2 years.  I have had some setbacks.  Some because of braids, weaves, overprocessing, breakage and frayed ends grrrrrr !!!  I am stuck at BSL.What am i doing wrong?  Too much manipulation?  Too many henna treatments?  co-washes?IDK, but it's making me crazy.  My hair is growing, so what's the problem?  I always wear protective styles, condition regularly. ...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day !!!

 Happy Valentine's Day !!!Spread The L...
Posted on 4:54 PM | Categories:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Henna Haul

I love henna so much, lol . I have decided to try a couple of different brands, all 100% natural body art quality henna.  Why?  Because henna has thickened my fine strands and adds strength. I will do my henna glosses 3x a month or every other co-wash to keep the thickness in my hair ...