Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cold Water Rinsing

There are millions of people that practice all kinds of beauty folklore theories and fables that get passed down through generations. Some of them are common sense and some simply are not true.

Many people think that rinsing out conditioner or a hair treatment with cold water keeps the hair cuticle closed resulting in shiny hair. However, a cold-water rinse does not contribute to the closing of the hair cuticle. Controlling the correct pH balance by using a low pH level product will seal the hair cuticles leaving the hair shiny and silky. The pH level is a measurement of acidity or alkalinity in the hair that ranges from being either acidic (0-6.9) or alkaline (7.1-14). PH level is used as a scale to match our environment to our body and is essential when treating all hair conditions including frizzy hair. The pH balance of curly hair is the key to controlling unruly, frizzy dry hair. Healthy curly hair should have a pH balance of 4.5 – 5.5 making it slightly acidic. Therefore, the perfect hair conditioner should have a low pH level between 3.5 and 5 to restore the hair’s ideal balance resulting in healthy shiny curly hair.

The skin, which has blood vessels running throughout, is vulnerable to temperature change. Therefore, cold water rinsing will definitely have an effect on the scalp, but never on curly hair. So go ahead, turn up the temperature and enjoy your showers!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Three Stages of Curly Hair Wet Styling

You can learn to control all different curl types through wet styling. Using Curl Keeper™ along with our latest styling techniques, you can achieve total frizz-free curl control that will withstand any climate and will give you "Curl Freedom".  Styling curly hair happens in several different stages. Before styling, the effort is all in the preparation which is the first stage. How you apply and use the correct products will give you the perfect foundation to start with. The secret of styling curly hair will depend on the quality of the curly hair products used and the proper instruction.

The second stage is styling the hair and beginning the drying process. During the drying process curls will shrink and you will lose length and volume. As the hair starts to dry the volume starts to expand. Always allow hair to dry on its own with as little movement as possible. If you are in a hurry you may use a diffuser to speed up drying time, but still allow your curls to surface dry before doing so. Once the hair is dry, stage three begins and allows you to create the final look by playing with your curls, giving you fullness. The more you play with your curly hair the bigger the hair will expand. Remember, big hair does not mean frizzy hair.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Quick and Easy Holiday Curly Hair Tips

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – and sometimes, the most stressful!

December is filled with holiday celebrations that keep many of us on the go as we try to spend time with family and friends near and far. There’s food to prepare, gifts to purchase and give, religious ceremonies to attend and parties to enjoy.

In the midst of it all, we still want our curly hair to look its best. Here are a few tips to ensure that your hair stays healthy and happy during the holiday season, some of which can also double as gift-generating ideas for those special curlies in your life.

Check the weather forecast before going over the river and through the woods.
If you’re traveling to see family in an area with different weather patterns than what you experience at home, make sure you have the right curly hair products to help tackle those temperatures. What you use to protect your hair on a windy Toronto or Chicago winter morning might be too heavy if you’re spending Christmas at Grandma’s place in sunny Florida. Water conditions in different areas could also wreak havoc on your hair. Pack accordingly for such ventures away from home and don’t be afraid to use more or less of your favorite product depending on location.

Remember those styling tools:
Don’t you hate it when you realize you forgot to pack your wide-toothed comb in your travel bag, dooming you to a few days of inadequate attempts at finger combing conditioner through your tresses? Having an extra comb or another styling tool of choice to put in an overnight bag could be the difference between dazzling holiday tresses or a hair catastrophe. If you’re looking for a stocking stuffer for a curly hair friend (or trying to give others ideas for your own stocking), ask for styling tools.

Read the rest of the Holiday Tips and Stocking Stuffer ideas from our curly hair writer Shannon Shelton.