Thursday, August 12, 2010

Does Hair Need Oxygen To Grow?

For years my edges were gone, bald around the perimeter. I have worked hard on growing my hair back around the edges. I have tried every thing on the market. Some products produced some peach fuzz, only to fall out again and again. I was forced to wear any style that would hide my hairline. I finally researched every thing that had to do with thin edges, balding edges, alopecia, traction alopecia and hair loss. After much research, and many failed products, i finally decided to make my own concoctions for my hair loss problem. I'm happy to report my edges are almost full after 5 years. I thought i was doing well with my growing back the edges. I always made sure i wore protective styles and covered my hair with a satin scarf, 24/7, lol. One day my bf (i didn't know he was a genius, lol) just looked at me with my scarf on in the house and said "How do expect your hair to grow if you never let it get any oxygen?" Whoa, talk about a light bulb moment !!! Every cell in our body thrives off of oxygen. Why not your scalp which produces the hair? OMG, so now when i'm at home and just sitting around or on the computer. I don't cover my head, and since doing that. I can see my edges filling in more. So Sistas. Do you think we cover our hair too much and wear too many hairstyles that constrict hair growth?


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