Monday, July 8, 2013


Women also loose more hair as they age. Many experience a generalized thinning of the hair or a widened part in the centre of the scalp after menopause.  This is called female pattern baldness.
Premature hair loss or thinning can also be due to wide variety of other causes.  Most women lose quite a bit of hair in the two to three months after they deliver a baby and this can continue for up to six months.  One and a half to three moths after severe stress, operation, infection, or high fever, a person may also lose a lot of hair. Likewise, two to three months after crash dieting with insufficient protein intake, hair may come out in handfuls.
Although there are a variety of medical treatments that can effectively treat most cases of hair loss, many individuals choose to go the natural route instead.  And while lots of these nature remedies can over effective treatment, their proper use and expected results must first be properly understood.  By using natural remedies, hair loss sufferers can avoid the pain, inconvenience, and relatively high cost of medical and commercial treatments.  Plus, many individuals who follow a natural lifestyle prefer the organic base o natural remedies.  Best o all, natural remedies are readily available, easy to mix and use, and lack the unwanted side effects often associated with other forms of hair loss treatment.
The hair transplants are of procedure removes tiny plugs of skin, each containing a few hairs, from the back or sides of your scalp.  Hair loss is often linked to hormonal changes, commonly the menopause.  The hair tends to thin with age – one study of 1,008 women found hair loss in almost a fifth of women aged 30-49, a quarter of women aged 50-69 and 28% of those aged 70-79.  Falling levels o the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone mean that testosterone has more impact this may in turn affect the hair follicles, causing mild to severe thinning. In plugs are then implanted into the bald sections of your scalp.  Several transplant sessions may be needed as hereditary hair loss progresses with time. 
In addition to correction any vitamin deficiencies, women those hair loss is due to physical trauma, crash diets, or heavy menstrual periods can benefit from supplementation with a high potency multivitamin and 50 milligrams of iron, together with 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C to boost iron absorption, the insufficient protein intake, hair may come out in handfuls.  Safflower is concerned to be a good vasodilator.  Message your scalp with safflower oil for twenty minutes a day to increase local blood flow and stimulate hair growth, jojoba oil may help with hair loss when applied to the scalp. 
A women’s hair can be affected by many things like poor diet, illness, hormone imbalances, stress, genetics and more.  The good news is that the vast majority of women with female pattern hair loss have a good result from medical treatments and transplants if the causes are elucidated, correct therapies are used and compliance with the regimen is maintained.  This article was interesting but did not mention the cosmetic option of hair replacement or those of us for whom nothing else has worked.  This is when bonded hair systems or extensions made of real human hair are matched and integrated into the real hair or a completely natural effect giving both men and women the ability to lead normal lives, running, swimming, sleeping, dating and doing all the normal activities they would have done before their hair problems. 
Don’t rub your hair. Many women just do not realize the long term effect of continuously styling your hair tightly.  Some choose tightly styled hair, especially for young girls, to ensure that the hair style will stay in place and remain neat looking throughout the day or week. When you dry your hair you should be sure you don’t do it too hard.  Rubbing your hair too hard can make it come out easier.  You should also avoid using a blow dryer. If you do use one, make sure you use it on low heat.
During chemotherapy, your hair and scalp need special care with use a mild shampoo and soft hair brush, try to air dry your hair.  If you have to use a hair dryer, use the low heat setting. If you expect hair thinning or hair loss, consider having your hair cut short.  A shorter style will make your hair look thicker and fuller.  It also will make hair loss easier to manage I it occurs, Sleep on a satin pillowcase, Don’t use brush rollers to set your hair, Do not dye your hair or get a permanent while you are taking chemotherapy and use a sunscreen, sublock, hat, scar or wig to protect your scalp from the sun.

Amla powder can also be used together with our Henna powder, nocoloring hair conditioner as a hair health promoting treatment or these two powders can be alternated.  The result is healthy, shiny and voluminous hair. 


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