Friday, June 14, 2013

Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

While flaunting long, lustrous and healthy hair remains a dream for men and women alike, in very rare instances do we come across products that really work.  While the malls and our nearest supermarket are full of products that claim to be the best in the market with some unknown latest technology, it is better to be aware and chose the right products for your hair.  The helps you have hundreds of dollars while trying the “hit and miss” method of choosing hair growth products. 

Hair growth is incidental to the diet we follow.  If our diet is deficient in any of the nutrients, our hair will become dry, brittle and unmanageable.  While there are many hair care products that try to repair the damage from outside, you must try to heal from inside a well. Here is a list of the best vitamins for hair growth that you can include in your diet.

VITAMIN A – This vitamin is generally not talked about when we consider hair growth.  However, a deficiency in Vitamin A means brittle hair and dry scalp.  Vitamin A is necessary for promoting a healthy scalp and gives body and glow to your hair.  Include dark green vegetables and orange and yellow fruits & Vegetables in your diet.  If you want to include the best vitamins for hair growth in your diet, you must start with Vitamin A.  It would help your scalp produce natural oils like sebum and keep your hair healthy and nourished for long.

VITAMIN B – Vitamin B regulates the secretion of oil, keeps hair healthy & moisturized.  Eat more of fresh green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, cereals, liver kidney, yogurt, bananas and ghee vegetables.
VITAMIN F – Found mostly in sweet almond oil and all types of nuts, this vitamin is essential for hair growth. In fact, Vitamin E historically was associated with proper hair growth and nourishment.  Take ample doe of this vitamin in your diet to get healthy and shiny hair.

VITAMIN C – found in all citrus fruits, guava, avocados and spinach, Vitamin C is one of the best vitamins for hair growth.  It would help you avoid dry hair and also strength hair follicles at the same time.  You can also avoid premature graying and get shiny tresses like never before.  A deficiency of Vitamin C leads to split end and breakage.  Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron, which is preventing hair loss.  The human body does not make its own vitamin C, so food or supplement sources are required, such as fruits and vegetables.  The recommended daily dose of vitamin C is 1000 to 2000 mg a daily.

BIOTIN – Also known as “hair and nail vitamin” and Vitamin B7, Biotin is derived from certain plant species. It is produced naturally in the intestines and is also found a common food such as leafy green vegetables, peanuts, Swiss chard, raw egg yolks and liver.  A well balanced diet usually results in plenty of both in for the average person to maintain their health.  It helps to promote hair removes dryness and brittleness of hair and would also improve the texture of your hair,  follicles.  Not only this, Biotin will be great for your nails, eyebrows and eyelashes are well.

B-complex Vitamins – These are the best vitamins for hair growth.  Vitamin B12 along with Vitamin C would help to break down the Iron and get you beautiful and lustrous hair.  Moreover, these vitamins would also nourish your hair from within so that they become breakage – free.  They build up blood circulation in your hair and you also get to grow hair faster.  Moreover, they also help to bind testosterone, thereby stopping any hair loss due to androgen excess. 

Minerals – Minerals like zinc, iron & copper promote healthy hair.  Food sources: zinc – red meat, chicken & green vegetables; iron – beef, dried apricots, red meat, parsley, eggs, wheat and sunflower seeds, copper – seafood, egg yolk and whole grains.

Proteins – Consuming more of protein gives your hair natural shine and good texture.  Include more of sprouted whole grains, cereals, meat and soy in your diet.

Overall, vitamins make your hair smoother, silkier and shiner. If you get the correct dosage of these vitamins in your diet, you will grow a healthy mane which will be a source of jealousy for all.


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